Bite The Wind

Hello, Fren Hooman!

Did you know that when the weathers yell at you, it's important to yell back? And if they're really, really loud -- you better bite that wind right in its face. 

There. I helps. 

That wind howled louder than the stupid butt-face coyotes (I hates the coyotes) and they knocked out our power! It got chilly in my house and I had to take Mama's blanket to stay warm. So the winds deserved a big bites.

I showed them my tooths, and we got our lights back.

See? I wise. You welcome.

I likes to helps my frens, and you are a very good hooman who knows I am the bestest girl. I also likes my walks and my ball plays and biting snek's head -- and especially my butt scratches. But I loves helping my Mama more (shhh don't tell her). Mostly I keep her safe by warning those coyotes to stay on their side of the park and making sure that golden dog doesn't pee on our lawn. Sometimes, though, she needs more than that -- even  more than a big snuggle. 

She wrote a story with a brave and strong Great Dane. And while I am brave and strong, it is not based on me.

Oops. Spoiler.

Schroddie is based on the black-and-white doggo who came before me. Mama says her first doggo was a very good boy (not as good as me, that would be impossibles). She says her Three Days In Undead Shoes bookses was inspired by him. (I don't know why it has to be in the crate that long, but I guess it needs to think about what it did) and she hopes all the hoomans who read the story will make a review and tell their frens -- and maybe even buy a copy if they want one.

I hopes you helps Mama and share all the things you felt about that book! (Mama hopes you enjoyed it, but I says, if it made you have the butt-gas, then you have to share that, too).

Woofs and wags,


DJ Holmes